Can Vitamin C Help with Fungal Acne?

Maybe you're reading this because you have no idea what fungal acne is, or maybe you made your way here because you struggle with this type of acne and are looking for a solution. Whatever it may be, I've got all the answers to your questions.

What are the different types of acne?

Acne can appear as whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, cysts, or nodules, and there are many different classifications of acne.

Hormonal acne can be a combination of all the above, from whiteheads to painful cysts, and can occur anywhere between the ages of 20 and 50.

Comedonal acne will typically heal without leaving any scarring behind and only consists of black and white heads.

Nodulocystic acne will leave behind pits and dents in your skin resulting in textural scarring.

People can have several types of acne at any given time, and for women, it tends to change more when they are on their menstrual cycle.

How is acne caused?

Acne can be caused by many different things - excess oil, clogged pores, dead skin cells, bacteria, and the list goes on. There are also certain things that can trigger your acne or make it worse - medications, seasonal changes, stress, hormonal changes, and even your diet.

So many things can contribute to the health of your skin that it's almost impossible to keep up with. Don't lose hope though! As many causes of acne as there are, there are also just as many ways to get rid of it.

In this blog, I'll be focusing on Vitamin C and how it can help with fungal acne. But first, what even is fungal acne?

What's the difference between fungal acne and other types of acne?

Fungal acne isn't actually acne at all, but rather inflammation of hair follicles. It can often be confused for acne because it looks similar to it, making it hard to identify.

Fungal acne consists of red bumps and white heads between 1 to 2 mm in size. It can appear on the face, chest, and upper and lower back.

The main difference between fungal acne and other types of acne is that fungal acne occurs in waves and is extremely itchy, but it's not painful.

If you're unsure whether or not you have fungal acne, speak to your dermatologist.

How is fungal acne caused?

Fungal acne can occur when your skin produces too much oil. The overproduction of oil can cause your pores and hair follicles to become clogged with bacteria and yeast naturally found in the skin. The yeast can then enter sebaceous glands and cause inflammation and itchiness.

What triggers fungal acne specifically?

Fungal acne can be triggered by hot and humid weather as fungi and yeast tend to accumulate quicker in that type of environment. It's important, especially if you live in that type of climate, to keep your pores clear and your skin clean to avoid excess yeast buildup.

Can I prevent fungal acne?

Your skincare routine is one of the most important things you can keep up with to help prevent any kind of acne, even fungal acne. Investing in your skin's health will not only help protect it over the course of your life, but it will also keep you looking your best regardless of the climate, season, or age.

Other things that can help prevent fungal acne include wearing breathable fabrics, showering after sweating, and using shampoo regularly to maintain a healthy balance of yeast on your skin.

What should my skincare routine look like if I have fungal acne?

If you don't already have a skincare routine in place, you can follow these steps. If you do have a skincare routine, try incorporating some of these steps into your routine to help your skin shine even brighter!

Step 1: Cleanse. Washing your face is the most important step in your skincare routine. Make sure to wash your face at least twice a day to help remove dirt, bacteria, and excess oil.

Step 2: Hydrate and moisturize. If you have fungal acne, your skin barrier may be compromised. Using a hydrating moisturizer can help restore it and prevent further damage.

Step 3: Exfoliate. You only need to exfoliate about twice a week to help get rid of dead skin cell buildup. Exfoliating more than that can damage your skin even more or cause it to dry out.

Step 4: Wear sunscreen. Protect your skin when you're out in the sun. Most mineral sunscreens are safe for fungal acne and can help prevent sun damage as well as help protect your skin from UV rays.

Is there a specific ingredient in skincare that helps combat fungal acne?

If fungal acne is a problem in your life, Vitamin C is your solution!

It Protects

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a powerful antioxidant found in many skincare products that can help protect the skin's surface, prevent damage, and fight off fungal infections.

It Soothes

Vitamin C works not just as an antioxidant but as an anti-inflammatory too, reducing redness and inflammation in the skin. I recommend using a Vitamin C Serum to help give your skin an added boost to help fight inflammation in specific areas of concern.

It Hydrates

To help prevent fungal acne and other fungal infections, you need to keep your skin hydrated. Using a Vitamin C Face Cream will help do just that.

Our Vitamin C Face Cream specifically also contains a great source of Vitamin E to further combat skincare issues like acne, inflammation, and irritation.

What are the other benefits of using Vitamin C?

It Promotes Healing

Vitamin C works to repair tissue damage and control inflammation through collagen production. Collagen is one of the most important proteins in the body when it comes to wound healing.

Incorporating more Vitamin C in your skincare routine can help increase collagen production and further promote wound healing.

It Reduces Signs of Premature Aging

Free radicals break down collagen in the skin which can result in fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, and age spots. Without having a defense against these free radicals, your skin can start to show signs of premature aging.

Vitamin C can help neutralize these free radicals to keep your skin looking healthy and keep you feeling confident.


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