7 Common Ingredients In Skincare To Avoid

Hope you're all shining bright and feeling fantastic. It's your skincare confidante, Ava-Ann, here to sprinkle a little skincare wisdom your way.

Today, let's have a heart-to-heart about something crucial – the ingredients in our beloved skincare products. I know, it can feel like deciphering a secret code sometimes, but don't worry, I'm here to simplify it all.

So, grab your comfiest blanket, settle in, and let's unravel the mystery behind skincare ingredients together. Ready? Let's dive in!

1. Parabens: The No-No Preservatives

These preservatives are commonly used to prolong the shelf life of skincare products. You might spot them in the ingredient list as methylparaben, ethylparaben, or propylparaben. Now, the issue here is that some studies have suggested that parabens might mimic estrogen in the body, potentially causing hormonal disruptions. Not the vibe we're going for!

2. Polyethylene Glycols (PEGs): The Sneaky Moisturizers

These guys are often found in creams and lotions, giving products a smooth texture. However, PEGs can be contaminated with impurities like ethylene oxide and 1,4-dioxane, which are not the best pals for your skin. They may cause irritation and are best avoided. Opt for moisturizers without PEGs for happy and healthy skin.

3. Formaldehyde: The Silent Trouble-Maker

Yes, you read that right. Formaldehyde, the same stuff used in science labs, can sometimes make its way into your skincare products. It's used as a preservative, but the catch is that it's a known irritant and can pose health risks. Keep an eye out for formaldehyde-releasing agents like DMDM hydantoin on the ingredient list.

4. Phthalates: The Disruptors of Harmony

Often sneaking into the "fragrance" section of your product, phthalates are used to make scents last longer. Unfortunately, they have been linked to potential health concerns, including disruptions in the endocrine system. Let's opt for products that are transparent about what makes them smell so good!

5. Diethanolamine (DEA): The Foamy Culprit

You might encounter DEA in products that foam, giving you that satisfying lather. However, DEA can react with other ingredients to form nitrosamines, which are potential carcinogens.  DEA can irritate and dry out your precious face. Time to ditch the foamy drama and opt for gentler alternatives.

6. Triclosan: The Antibacterial Buzzkill

Triclosan might seem like the superhero fighting off bacteria, but it's got a dark side too. It's been linked to some not-so-great stuff. Not only can it be harsh on the skin, but it has also been linked to antibiotic resistance. We want clean skin without compromising on our skin's health, right?

7. Oxybenzone: The Sunscreen Villain

Sunscreen is crucial, but oxybenzone, not so much. Now, when it comes to sunscreens, oxybenzone is a common ingredient. The concern here is that it can absorb into the skin and has been associated with hormone disruption. Sun protection is non-negotiable, but let's choose sunscreens with ingredients that align with our skin's well-being.


    Though these chemicals can cause numerous problems for your skin, you'd be surprised at how commonly they are used in everyday beauty products. Using skincare products that contain these ingredients may counteract what you're trying to achieve - healthy, radiant skin.

    Next time you're looking to add new beauty products to your daily regime, make sure to check the list of ingredients on the back first.

    You can also shop our collection of skincare products that are always paraben-free, cruelty-free, and esthetician-recommended.


    Have Suggestions?

    Let us know what topics you're interested in, and we'll do our best to include them in future blogs! Email us at info@nocheskincare.com


    • Noche best product ever. Been in hospital twice since started using December 2019. One of two ONLY things I make sure I have in hospital is Noche. At least no facial problems skin not taking s beating. God bless Noche, Ava!

      Joanne Veltri
    • Hello. I have seen an increase in the addition of dimethicone in lotions, moisturizers and cleansers lately. What part does it play since it is a silicone oil?

      Marti Malaspina

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