Ease Yourself into Spring Daylight Savings
Even though an hour time change doesn’t seem like much when you think about it, that 60-minute difference can cause major changes in your life. Most say it effects their sleep schedule but it can also cause you to become easily irritated due to the change. There are a few ways to gradually transition yourself!
Choose sleep-inducing foods:
If you eat an excess amount of sugar can cause you to wake up more frequently. Along with certain foods. If you snack before bedtime try choosing foods that are high in fiber. Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat proteins. A healthier diet will lead to an undisturbed night of rest.
Try to avoid doing anything that will cause stress of excite you before getting ready for bed. Considering doing things that relax your mind instead of catching up on your high-intensity television show. Reading a book before bed has been known to relax the mind and body.
Gradual Transition:
Going to be 15 minutes early the first week before the time change will allow your body to have a smoother transition. If you jump right in and make your body adjust to the time change by itself, it will have a high impact on your daily efficiency for the first few days. Gradually transitioning will not impede any of your daily tasks or goals.
Get rid of sleeping in most mornings and swap it for a quick mid-afternoon nap to help your body adjust. Keeping your nap to only 30 minutes or less will help your body adjust to the transition. Just make sure you don’t take it too close to bedtime!
Ignore the “real-time”:
When Daylight Savings occurs, many of us try to think of what time it would’ve been had the clocks not changed. It’s not just important to make the physical switch, but the mental one as well. This will help you get into the grove of things quickly. Change your clocks before heading to bed!
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Some really great advice. Thank you 😊.