Posting Your Way To A Positive Day

As Coco Chanel once said, “beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.”

Sometimes, we need a little reminder on how amazing and wildly capable we are! After all--sometimes we’re put through a lot of tests and we face some trying obstacles. Women of all ages can occasionally need a little boost of confidence to bring attention to our individuality and elegance.

This is especially true in our current environment. There is a lot of talk about "surviving 2020" and "just making it through." While there is a lot that may be out of our control, there is one thing we can control: self-empowerment.

So—what’s a quick way that you can empower yourself every single morning? The answer is on a sticky note.

Before you climb into bed in the evening, write a short blurb on a sticky note and stick it to your mirror. 

You should write a positive message to yourself that you will see while you are getting ready the next morning. A message that will remind you that you are beautiful, strong, and that you are able to tackle whatever challenges that may come your way.

If you find a day where you are struggling to write a note, you can use one of your old notes or have a loved on write something for you.

The key to this activity, is repetition! While you may not notice a huge difference the first day you try this activity out, the more you practice this routine, the easier it will become to focus on the positive pieces in your life.

Remember, stress can affect everything: from your skin to your stomach. If you could take one simple step to help manage that stress, why wouldn't you try it?

This is an amazing activity to share with your girlfriends, loved ones, or daughters.


Here are just a few examples of notes to write!

“Hello Gorgeous, you can do this!”

“Good morning, don’t forget you have the ability to tackle anything that comes your way today!”

“Wow, Beautiful! You look amazing today!”

“Don’t forget that you are worthy of love and respect—because you truly are!”

“You are amazing. Be you today—and every day!”

Share yours with us on Facebook!


  • We are amazing. Women are strong and courageous.

    Barbara Rice
  • liking the product alot

    Annette E Simpson
  • I’ve left pick me up notes for others; but not myself! Going to start!

    Beverly loflin
  • I do this daily! Not funny but great minds think alike!

    Lynn KolKowski
  • Thank you for this great idea. I will start tonight🌸🍃🌱


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